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Challenges, Classes & Activities


Charlotte County Fitness and Pools 

In an effort to support employees and their personal wellness, Charlotte County Government, Property Appraiser,Tax Collector, and Clerk of the Court employees now have FREE access to these fitness programs and amenities at Charlotte County recreation centers and pools. The Rec Centers and Pools are open for business:

  • FREE pool admissions

  • FREE drop-in gymnasium programs

  • FREE aquatic exercise programs

  • FREE Fitness Center admissions

Only valid for Charlotte County Government, Property Appraiser, and Tax Collector, and Clerk of the Court employees, must present badge at facility to be granted free access during operating hours. To see more about recreation centers and pools click:

 Aquatic Facilities & Programs | Charlotte County, FL.

The pools at Ann and Chuck Dever Regional Park, Centennial Park, Port Charlotte Beach Park and South County Regional Park are open.

Exclusions include any classes lead by contracted instructors. You may participate in these classes at the regular fee.

As Community Services would say, "Let's all Get Up, Get Out, and Get Active."

View the flyer

Exercise: Stretching Video

App with free exercises: FitOn

Pregnancy Resources:

Nutrition through Pregnancy and Breastfeeding webinar: Learn about the weight gain recommendations, calorie and nutrient needs, food sources of nutrients, caffeine considerations, seafood and considerations, alcohol restriction, morning sickness recommendations, helpful resources, and federal assistance programs. Please consult with your OBGYN for any additional specified concerns.

Here is the link:

Caregiver Toolkit: 

Congratulations to the following: 

  • Rosa Mattera
  • Shalina Odegard
  • Michael Gallagher 

Congratulations to the following: 

  • Stephanie Erdman
  • Lori Garrepy 

Grocery totes will be delivered the week of April 3rd to all who participated and submitted Scavenger Hunt Sheet.

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Wellness Calendar

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Sarasota Dragon Boat Festival


Come join us at the 2021 Sarasota International Dragon Boat Festival. The festival is 
taking place on Saturday, July 10, 2021. 

Wellness at Work pays for the registeration fee for the entire team. Employees, spouses, and 

adult dependents are eligible to participate. Our Viking team, will practice once and row in
three races over the course of the event. 

Interested in participating in future Dragon Boat Races? Please fill out the survey:

Other questions, please email Stephanee Phillips, or Ellen Pinder,


May 11, 2019

(Kneeling L to R): Jessica Benson, Janet Lemesis, Diane Quilty, Heather Maycock, Ellen Pinder, Brenda Sisk

(L to R): Sam Phillips, Xiaodong Lu, Jodi Sullivan, David McLaughlin, Julio Campos, Stephen Kipa, Sean Maycock, Karen Dorsett,  Rick Dorsett, Emily Ayers, Jill Turner, Brian English, Max Lopez

Saving Challenge - coming soon 

Fitness Classes

Wellness at Work will be hosting virtual fitness classes for participant to partake in throughout 2022. These classes will range from Yoga, Stretching, Tai Chi, Zumba, PiYo, Hip Hop, Kickboxing, Fitness Walking and more. Each class will be held via Microsoft Teams. Highly encourage registration, but you are welcome to join in when you are available. Times of the classes will range from morning, afternoon, and evening. 

Description: Back injuries occur and re-occur more than any other workplace injury - they are three times more expensive to treat and the toll in lost work time is staggering. Come and learn the things that you can do during and outside of workout sessions to maintain a healthy and strong back.

  • Movement Every Hour
Description: This interactive presentation is based on the popular phrase "sitting is the new smoking." We will discuss the statistics and health risks of being sedentary, ways to incorporate movement in the workday, and participate in a 5 minute workout called "deskercise" - exercising at your desk (no sweating allowed!).

Coming Soon - Nutrition Scavenger Hunt

HOW IT WORKS: On the first day of the challenge, you will receive your official scavenger hunt tracker. Use available resources (online, books, experts, etc. – but not your coworkers) to find and complete as many items as you can from the scavenger hunt throughout the two week challenge!

Each participant will receive a grocery tote AND will be entered into a grand prize drawing for (1) $100 gift card and (1) Mystery Prize!

Description: Challenge begins March 1st to March 15th. 

Additional entry into the drawing by emailing a photo of you working on the scavenger hunt. Each participant will receive a grocery tote AND will be entered into a grand prize drawing for (1) $100 gift card and (1) Mystery Prize!

Once you are registered, an email will be sent with Participant scavenger hunt tracking document the week of February 27th, 2023.

At the end of the challenge, you will submit your Participant scavenger hunt tracking document to by Winners will be announced on March 17th, 2023.

Register Here

Focus on practicing one new healthy habit for 21 DAYS straight, make a commitment to a new healthy habit for life! YOU CHOOSE YOUR HABIT TO CHANGE Everyone has something they can work on, and here are a few ideas to get your healthy habit wheels turning: 

PHYSICAL FITNESS: Daily stretching, walking, planking or pushups 

NUTRITION: Bring your lunch daily, add a daily fruit or veggie, cut the sugar or cut the dairy

 HYDRATION: Drink 64 oz of water per day, cut out (or reduce) sugary drink intake 

GENERAL WELLNESS: Daily meditation, daily financial saving, sleep 6-8 hours every night, daily sunscreen application or daily gratitude tracking

All participants who submit tracker will be entered into a drawing for 3 - $100 gift cards!

Description: Challenge begins February 15th - March 7th, 2023

Once you are registered, an email will be sent with your tracker around February 8th, 2023.

At the end of the challenge, you will submit your tracker to by winners will be announced by March 10th, 2023

Questions? Contact Stephanee Phillips, Wellness Coordinator, or 941-764-4927

Register Here 

​21-day Thankful Heart Gratitude Challenge

Complete each box, write down a note, send over sheet to by 12/6 to be enter into the drawing of 5 - $50 gift cards. Send photos to for extra entries into the drawing.

Click Here: Thankful Heart Gratitude Challenge Calendar​​

Omada (Pre-Diabetes Program)

Create lasting change with Omada® for Prevention. If you or your covered adult dependents are enrolled in the company medical plan offered through Cigna, are at risk for type 2 diabetes or heart disease, and are accepted into the program, you'll receive the program at no additional cost. 

Do what works for you. Find healthy habits and routines that work for you. 24/7 access to support From weekly lessons to online community, get all the tools you need to face any challenge head-on. You decide what 'healthy' means Try new things you actually enjoy, rather than avoiding foods you "can't eat" or things you "shouldn't do." 

 What you'll get with Omada: ✓ A plan built around you ✓ Dedicated health coach ✓ Wireless smart scale ✓ Interactive weekly lessons 

Get healthy your way. With Omada, there's a program for you weight loss & overall health. 

It only takes a few moment to get started:

2024 Q1 & Q2 Workshops:

January - Financial Game Plan

Description: What is your financial game plan for 2024? Over the next 4 quarters, you have an opportunity to set goals, make a plan of action and pivot according to what happens. Just like a football team needs a good offense and defense to win on the field, you need a game plan for your life and finances. In this workshop, we will lay out game changing finan​​cial habits and steps to get you on track for a winning year. ​


Resource document: Financial Game Plan Worksheet.pdf​​​​

February - Relational & Financial Harmony

Description: Money is relational. Many of us navigate our financial journey involved with other people. Whether it's an intimate relationship, kids, caregiving responsibilities and everything in between, money can be a point of contention in relationships. Communication and setting boundaries does not come easy, but is essential to maintain family AND financial harmony.


Resource document: relational and financial harmony worksheet.pdf​​

March - Prosperity Plan & Budget Busters

Description: “Where is my money going?" When we don't know something, it's hard to make changes. Budgeting is essential to your financial plan at any stage.  In this seminar, we walk through the details of how to set up and trim YOUR budget, explore the psychology behind budgeting, our values and why it's a critical step in setting up a strong foundation for your finances, and discuss common items that bust our budgets and how we can manage these items. 


Resource document: Prosperity plan and budget busters worksheet.pdf​​

April - Men, Women & Money

Description: Men & Women tend to be wired differently in how they think about and behave with money. Deep seated beliefs and societal norms around how people should feel and/or act can influence our ability to be successful and confident when it comes to managing our money. It's time to have some honest discussions around how these societal influences impact how we build our financial life and how we can change that script.


Resource document: Mars & Venus Men Women & Money worksheet.pdf

May - Our Mind & Our Money

Description: What if you could have a better relationship with your money? What if instead of stressing out every time you think about managing your money you instead felt at peace, knowing that you and your money work together to build a great life. This relationship is one that you want to get right! In this workshop, we dig into emotions around money, explore how our money mindset can help (or hinder) our financial success, and discuss key traits we can practice to develop a healthier relationship with our money.


Resource document: Our mind and our money worksheet.pdf

June -  Big Hat, No Cattle: Rich vs. Wealthy

Description: There's a difference between looking rich and actually being wealthy. Too often we are a society caught up in image, constantly comparing ourselves to others and finding false security in what we have and own materially vs. what we are working to build of true value. We will explore the myths around deprivation and sacrifice when it comes to building a stable life and how we can overcome the temptation to follow the crowd and instead focus on the real prize in life: contentment and peace.​


Resource document: Big hat no cattle worksheet (1).pdf​​​

Past Workshops: 

Finanical Wellness for Young Adults 

Description: How can young adults get started on the right foot to achieve financial stability? In this workshop, we discuss all the foundational pieces to money management that young adults can take to start their financial life out on the right foot.


Health - My Greatest Investment

Description: The first investing we can do is in ourselves. We make dreams about our future and save money, but if we are not taking care of ourselves, we risk not being able to actually enjoy what we are working so hard for. In this workshop, we will discuss how investing in our total well being through good nutrition, sleep, physical activity and a focus on our mental health is also a financially savvy way to live.


My Financial WHY 

Description: The secret to living the life we desire is recognizing what we are after AND understanding why we are wired to desire that. When we alig​​​​​n our finances with our life purpose and vision, we are much more likely to be successful along our journey because we know WHY this is important to us. In this workshop, we will explore our motivations, what drives us to financial success (and what that means to us specifically), and learn how we can manage our money on purpose with our spending and saving aligned with our life priorities.


​Fall Clean Your Finances

Description: One of the reasons people report stress over finances is because there is so much to navigate that they end up overwhelmed. You can change that! It's time to get organized with your finances and important documents. In this workshop, we will discuss ways to simplify, organize and declutter your finances so they are neat and tidy.​


10 Ways to Save for Emergencies 

Description: Being financially prepared for life’s curveballs will ease a lot of our financial stress. Saving is something we all want to do, but sometimes it seems like an uphill battle. How do I save when I can barely make ends meet? In this workshop, we break down 10 strategies to help you map out a savings plan that will allow you to rest easier at night, knowing that there is money in the bank. These strategies will apply to building an emergency fund or saving for anything that is important in life.

Preparing for Retirement

Description:What is your dream for retirement? What does it look like? Without a solid plan, we may not see that dream play out. It’s time to prepare yourself and learn what you need to make true today so that tomorrow is the life you desire.


​​Psychology of Money 

Description: Do you think knowledge alone is getting you closer to your financial goals? Money is personal, emotional and relational. Your mindset and relationship with money might be what’s holding you back from achieving your financial dreams. In this seminar, we will deep dive into how your mindset, behaviors and relationships affect your ability to thrive financially and encourage attendees to challenge their limiting beliefs and attitudes around money. 


Finanical Wellness for Single Parents 

Description: 1 in 4 parents are single, and there are some unique financial challenges that come with being a single parent. In this webinar, we discuss how single parents can support their families, thrive financially, and understand some of the key pieces that will help them build wealth and prosper.


​Book Club - Take Back Your Time 

The book club will meet for 3 weeks on Mondays at 12 noon or 5:30 pm starting February 27th. 

Book Club will meet all the following dates: 2/27/23, 3/6/23, and 3/13/23


It's not about doing more.


As a busy mom with three young kids and a career, #1 national bestselling author Christy Wright knows what it's like to try to do it all and be stretched too thin. After years of running on empty, she realized she had to do something different. It wasn't just a matter of saying no to a few things. She had to figure out why she felt overwhelmed, overcommitted, and out of balance.

Here's what she discovered: Life balance isn't something you do. It's something you feel. The great news is you can feel balanced — even in your busy life.

In Take Back Your Time, Christy redefines what balance is and reveals the clear path to actually achieve it. You'll learn how to:

  • Identify what balance looks like in your unique situation and season.
  • Find confidence in the choices that are right for you.
  • Feel peace even during chaotic times.
  • Learn how to be present for your life and actually enjoy it!

You weren't created to live busy and burnt out, unhappy and unfulfilled. You shouldn't be haunted by some elusive idea of balancing it all. There's more for you right now. Today. And it starts with taking back your time the guilt-free way.

For the book club, Wellness at Work will be providing the book for all who attend the club. Join virtually and engage with the club.

Book Club - Register Here 

Questions? Contact Stephanee Phillips, Wellness Coordinator, or 941-764-4927

$10,000 Challenge - Healthywage

Join the $10,000 Team Challenge and stay motivated to get healthy! This 12-week weight loss challenge is the perfect opportunity to lose some weight, win some money, and have fun!

SIGN UP online or on HealthyWage's mobile app for $75. Earn back your registration fee by achieving an individual weight loss of 10% or more in 9 months!

Create a team of 5. Don't have a team? No problem – HealthyWage will match you up with one!

Get active on the app. Connect with your teammates, gain healthy tips, and check your personal and team stats and standings! Your weight is never shared.

Win $10,000 for 1st place! 2nd place wins $5,000 and 3rd place wins $3,000. Plus, MORE cash prizes for collecting achievement ribbons!

Not looking to lose weight but want to participate? Register as a team cheerleader for free and support your five teammates (limit one cheerleader per team). If you're on a winning team, you'll win an equal share of the cash prize!  Register online for $25/month for 3 months ($75).

The challenge starts June 17th, 2022!

Questions? or 888.636.3832


You work hard for your money, and you want to make the most of it.

The problem's that most people have never been taught personal finance. We do the best we can, but we aren't always 100% sure we've made the right financial choices.

That's why there's SmartDollar. SmartDollar is an online program designed to help people just like you. It's a 100% online, confidential and self paced. It's also free for you to use as part of your benefits package.

 When you create an account, you'll get access to tons of great content and tools, and you'll learn from three best-selling authors in personal finance, including Dave Ramsey. Through a series of entertaining video lessons, you'll learn personal finance for every stage of life. You'll also have premium access to the world's best online budgeting tool, EveryDollar. 

Contact, if interested in the program. 

How long will it take to use SmartDollar?

SmartDollar is a completely self-paced program. In addition to the main video lessons, there are hundreds of supplemental video and audio clips ranging in length from two minutes to 30 minutes. You can spend as much or as little time as you would like exploring this content.


In addition to educational material, your SmartDollar account includes premium access to EveryDollar, the world's best online budgeting tool (a $99/year value). EveryDollar allows you to link your bank accounts and your budget, helping you plan your spending and reach your financial goals faster. EveryDollar can be used daily, weekly or whenever you choose.


Can I sign my spouse or children up for SmartDollar?

No. Each employee may only create one (1) SmartDollar account. However, we want you to go through SmartDollar with your spouse, so sharing your account with your household is encouraged.


What do I do if I need technical support for SmartDollar?

SmartDollar technical support group is always available to help you. Simply contact them here:


Can I purchase SmartDollar outside of work?

SmartDollar is 100% free for you to use as part of our wellness benefits package. It is not available for individual purchase. Comparable programs cost more than $100/year if purchased by an individual. 

Charlotte County Step Challenge -

Win Cash Prizes for Walking!

 Challenge is available to ALL employees (full-time, part-time, temp), spouses and adult dependents (18+) regardless of insurance coverage. The challenge will consist of only Charlotte County employees, spouses, and adult dependents.

How Do I Win:

  • WIN money for increasing your daily steps.
  • SIGN UP online or on HealthyWage's mobile app and connect your step tracker to calculate your goal.
  • Increase your daily average steps by 25% or more in 60 days and get paid.
  • Participants typically win $100 - $130.

How It Works:

  • Each participant pays $70 into the pot.
  • Winners split the pot.
  • Your step goal is a 25% increase over your current media step count. Step tracking devices compatible with HealthyWage: Fitbit, Garmin, Apple Health and Google Fit (most participants use their smartphone to track their steps).

The challenge starts on December 1, 2019 and ends January 29, 2020.

Register online for only $35/month for 2 months ($70).

Click link to


Contact HealthyWage at or 888.636.3832


Coming Soon - Financial Wellness Pilot Program: 
SmartDollar by Dave Ramsey ​

Over the past 25 years, Dave Ramsey and his team have helped millions of people change the way they handle money. 
Finanical Stats.png
With SmartDollar, employees will learn to: 
• Get on a budget
• Build emergency savings
• Pay off debt 
• Buy a home and pay for college 
• Protect their assets 
• Invest for the future

Are you interest in SmartDollar by Dave Ramsey? Please fill out the interest survey by clicking the link:

A Thankful Heart Challenge is a 15-day challenge – Place a check mark on each completed box. Send calendar to by December 8th to be entered into 2 - $50 gift card drawing. (attached: calendar for A Thankful Heart Challenge) Plus, you can earn one extra entry into the drawing by sending a photo of one of the boxes completed. (Example: Take a photo with family or friend). 

Click here for A Thankful Heart Challenge Calendar. 

Questions? Contact Stephanee Phillips, Wellness Coordinator, or 941-764-4927

Shake It Off: 7 Simple Strategies to Discharge Stress + Beat Burnout Workshop

  • National Speaker - Rachel Drunkenmiller
    October 5th at 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Virtual Workshop Experience
    Learn more - Click Here 
    Register Here for the virtual workshop experience 


  Dragon Boat.jpg

Babcock Ranch is the nation's first solar-powered community with an emphasis on
outdoor activities for the whole family. The Viking team race on Lake Babcock on Saturday, September 22nd. End result, the Vikings took 3rd place. Way to go, Vikings!

Wellness at Work has a $25 incentive gift card for each participate (employee and/or spouse) on the County's Insurance.

 For more information, check out the website at

How to Use Peerfit Video 

 ‭(Hidden)‬ $10,000 Team Challenge

Transform Your Health with


What to Know:

  • SIGN UP online or on HealthyWage's mobile app.
  • Create a team of 5 coworkers, friends and/or family members. Don't have a team? No problem – HealthyWage will match you up with one!
  • Compete against other teams from fellow Southwest Florida organizations to lose the greatest percentage of weight in 12 weeks to win the GRAND PRIZE of $10,000!
  • Enjoy fun and interactive mini-challenges like "Smart Swap" and "Get Active" to collect achievement ribbons and earn cash prizes!
  • Not looking to lose weight but want to participate? Register as a team cheerleader for free and support for your five teammates (limit one cheerleader per team). If you're on a winning team, you'll win an equal share of the cash prize!


  • $10,000 for 1st place
  • $5,000 for 2nd place
  • $3,000 for 3rd place
  • Plus, MORE cash prizes for collecting achievement ribbons AND additional prizes from Charlotte County!


  • Earn back your regist ration fee by achieving an individual weight loss of 10% or more in 9 months!


The challenge starts on January 18, 2019 and ends April 12, 2019.

Register online for $25/month for 3 months ($75).



Contact HealthyWage at or 888.636.3832


2018 $10,000 winners: Charlotte County "Team Oompa Loompa's"

2017 years winners: SW FL 2017 winners


Mental Health from TBWC:

Mental Health Awareness Month was established in 1949 to increase awareness of the importance of mental health and wellness in Americans' lives and to celebrate recovery from mental illness. Mental Health Awareness Month (MHAM) is recognized every May to increase awareness about the vital role mental health plays in our overall health and well-being.

Learn about resources for accessing care:

  • The confidential and anonymous resource for people seeking treatment for mental and substance use disorders in the U.S. and its territories.
  • 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, as well as best practices for professionals in the U.S.
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness: A national organization that provides advocacy, education, support and public awareness so all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives.
  • The Trevor Project: 24/7 crisis support services to LGBTQ+ young people. Text, chat or call anytime to reach a trained counselor.​

​21 - Day Habit Change Challenge 

Ready to make change happen? Join the 21 - day Habit Change Challenge. 

Description: Challenge begins February 1st to February 21st. 

Everyone who choose their own SMART goal for the challenge. Over the 21 days, you will mark off on your tracker. Each person who submits their tracker will be entered into a drawing to win 1 of 3 $25 gift cards. Additional entry into the drawing by emailing a photo of you working on your goal.

Register Here:

Once you are registered, an email will be sent with your tracker the week of January 24th, 2022. 

At the end of the challenge, you will submit your tracker to by February 25th, 2022. 

Winners will be announced on March 1st. 

Questions? Contact Stephanee Phillips, Wellness Coordinator, or 941-764-4927

Nutrition Scavenger Hunt 

Let's test your nutritional knowledge. Join the Nutrition Scavenger Hunt 

Description: Challenge begins March 21st to April 3rd. 

Additional entry into the drawing by emailing a photo of you working on the scavenger hunt. 

Register Here:

Once you are registered, an email will be sent with Participant scavenger hunt tracking document the week of March 14th, 2022. 

At the end of the challenge, you will submit your Participant scavenger hunt tracking document to by April 8th, 2022. 
Winners will be announced on April 11th, 2022. 

Questions? Contact Stephanee Phillips, Wellness Coordinator, or 941-764-4927

​Steptember Challenge - ENDED

Update as of 8/31/21:
Thank you to all the participants who participated in the STEPtember (Step/Physcial Activity Challenge).
Friday, October 1st, 2021 is the last day to submit your steps or email your manual tracker. 

Winners will be annouced: October 8th! As well as details to pick up your resistance bands. 

Our Activity & Step Challenge is a 4-week competition to encourage healthy habits this fall season. Individuals will submit their total steps/activity points each Monday for the previous week. At the end of the 4-week period, the winning individual will be announced! The reward? Every participant will receive resistance bands and all individuals who complete the challenge will be entered in to win wireless ear buds (3 winners will be selected)

Important Dates 
REGISTER ONLINE: August 18th – August 31st 
CHALLENGE PERIOD: September 1st – September 28th 
CHALLENGE ENDS: September 28th 

The Details:
Weeks run Wednesday–Tuesday 
Submit steps & activity every Wednesday for the previous week 
Receive weekly emails with tips & encouragement:
Individual participation only

Password: wellness 


March to Fitness challenge

About the Challenge

Choose to walk, run, bike or swim — whatever physical activity you choose to be active. Do the activity for 20 minutes a day, every day, and join your co-workers and friends in being fit and healthy. Each time you achieve the 20-minute goal, you'll be eligible for donation rewards to the charity of your choice! Participants can also contribute too.

*Even though the challenge starts on March 1st, we want all Charlotte County employees to have plenty of time to sign up and join the challenge and download the app beforehand. NOTE: Your activities recorded in the app from March 1 and onward only will be considered towards the challenge goal.

  1. From your SMARTPHONE ONLY, TAP on the Challenge Sign-Up Smart Link:


  1. You will then be prompted to download Givhero's free App.


Download the App and Sign up using your Charlotte County Email address (,,,,, and accept the March to Fitness challenge.

Check out this short video!

Don't have a fitness tracker?

You DO NOT need a fitness tracker or wearable to participate. You can use your smartphone along with a free App such as Apple Health for iOS, Google Fit for Android, Strava, etc. If that doesn't work, you can also input your Steps manually in the Givhero app.

Can I see my fellow colleagues' progress? Can anyone see my progress?

Yes. In the Givhero app tap on Challenges and tap the March to Fitness challenge. You can even search for your colleagues by entering their name at the top of the leaderboard screen.

Reminder: You MUST tap on the Challenge Sign-Up Smart Link from your SMARTPHONE to join the challenge. When accessed from a smartphone/mobile phone, the Smart Link allows you to download the app, sign up and accept the challenge. When accessed from the desktop, the link will take you to the leaderboard, however, you will not be able to join the challenge this way. If you need to join the challenge on your desktop, contact

Email Validation: After completing sign up, you may receive an email from Givhero to validate your email address but please note email validation is not required.

For all technical questions throughout the challenge, please contact Givhero: email Givhero directly at or email from the Givhero app by tapping More >> Support at the bottom of your screen or visit our FAQ page

Love to Ride Challenge 

Take part in a fun biking competition! Are you ready to ride your bike in a fun competition, win prizes and help your workplace top the leaderboards? From October 29 to November 30, you and your workplace can compete against other companies to see which can encourage the most people to try riding a bike. 

Taking part is simple: Everyone can join in! From regular riders to people who haven’t been on a bike in years (or ever). You can ride anywhere, any time from October 29 to November 30 for fun, fitness or transportation. You only need to ride for ten minutes to start earning points and help your workplace climb the leaderboard. Share the love - encouragement is at the core of the Love to Ride Florida Challenge and we want people to invite their co-workers, friends and family to take part. You can win amazing prizes by participating and encouraging others to rediscover riding. Ready to get fitter, be happier and help save the planet? 

Add your organization name: Charlotte County Wellness at Work. Register for the Love to Ride Florida Challenge today: Company Profile : Love to Ride Florida

Here is the flyer

9,000+ Best Bike Photos · 100% Free Download · Pexels Stock Photos

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Make Fitness Fun Challenge

​Make Fitness Fun Challenge:

This eight-week program is designed to teach you simple
ways to get fit and have fun doing them. Choose activities
you enjoy doing and do each one for at least 10 minutes.
Be sure to record your physical activity every day. While
you complete your physical activity, snap a photo of

yourself to be entered into the photo drawing.

Your ultimate goal? 700 minutes of moderate exercise by
the end of the eight-week challenge.

Tracking sheet: Make Fitness Fun 

Challenge begins Aug. 26, 2019, and ends Oct. 14, 2019.

$50 prizes will be award to six participants: three
from tracking sheet drawings and three from photo
submission drawings. Email tracking sheets and photos

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Amerithon


What is Amerithon?

 Fun virtual race where you accumulate miles as you run, walk,
bike, swim, hike, or even pogo stick. Complete the challenge without ever leaving your neighborhood!

Complete your miles individually or on a TEAM of up to 8 people
- INSPIRE your friends to take the challenge with you!

Who: Anyone can participant

What: Virtual Race

When: Anytime from now to over the course of the year

Where: Anywhere

How much: $25-$70 packages

Upon completion of the Amerithon Challenge, Wellness at Work
has a $25 incentive gift cards for each participate (employee
and/or spouse) on the County's Insurance.

You can Manually enter your miles in our tracker or sync your
FitBit, Garmin, or Strava account for automatic upload. Miles
earned running, walking, biking, swimming, etc. Count
whatever miles you cover exercising. 

The Medal

The Amerithon Challenge Medal is a 6 Piece Finisher Medal to
commemorate your journey across the United States.


 ‭(Hidden)‬ Wellness Programs:


• More freedom to enjoy delicious, satisfying foods.

• More possibilities to make the plan fit every lifestyle.

• More flexibility for days when you need it most.

• A whole new approach to enjoy food and live life like never before


Thursdays-Justice Center- Clerk's Conference Room 12-1 pm

Attend at any Weight Watchers meeting locations

Wellness at Work:

pays 1/3 of the registeration ($52 off a 12 week series; 

$62 off a 17 week series)

Weight Watchers New "Freestyle" program

Interested in join? Please fill out: Registeration form

Send to


If you are not renewing, please cancel your Weight Watchers Etools resource:

14 weeks- Etools cancelation instructions

19 Weeks- Etools cancelation instructions

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Community Races:


American Heart Association Heart Walk
Saturday, February 9, 2019

More information coming soon.....


 ‭(Hidden)‬ More Activities


For workout videos that you can customize the type of exercise, time,
and level, and be able to use virtually anywhere check out SparkPeople.TV.


Looking for fun, exciting activities happening in beautiful Charlotte County?
Check out the Weekly Happenings on the Charlotte County Tourism website
for great events, exhibits, festivals, outdoor adventures, and fitness activities.